More Cubans apprehended by U.S. Coast Guard in 2016

On Behalf of | Aug 11, 2016 | U.s. Immigration Law |

Cubans who are interested in moving to the United States by way of Florida or through Central American countries face some of the same challenges that foreign nationals of other countries experience in reaching the border. However, according to the Pew Research Center, a unique U.S. law known as the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 allows citizens of that country to enter the United States legally through a port of entry and later become citizens merely by showing up and passing criminal and immigration background checks.

Recently updated information indicates that record numbers have been attempting to take advantage of this promise, sometimes to their detriment. Much of the increase has occurred in Florida, with nearly 10,000 Cubans entering the country through the Miami sector between October of 2014 and September of 2015. During the 10 months following that, nearly 9,000 passed through the same sector. Unfortunately, over 3,500 of the Cubans who attempted to reach the United States by crossing the ocean in fiscal year 2015 have been detained and deported by the U.S. Coast Guard before they reached their destination.

According to Reuters, Cuban leaders have problems with the policies set by the Cuban Adjustment Act. At least 5,786 Cubans have already been apprehended by the U.S. Coast Guard between Aug. 1, 2015 and July 31, 2016, and the government of that country claims these migrants may not have attempted the dangers of the journey if not for the promise of easy U.S. citizenship. The fear of policy changes that eliminate the opportunity may also be fueling the increase in immigration.


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