On Nov. 20, President Obama issued an immigration-based executive order that may be of interest to Florida residents. The new order protects against deportation for undocumented parents of lawful permanent residents or U.S. citizens. In addition, the executive order...
Month: November 2014
Dual nationality and citizenship status
Miami immigrants undergoing the naturalization and citizenship process are often curious to know how dual citizenship works with the United States and their countries of origin. Dual nationality may result from immigration, or it may result from automatic operation of...
What is Temporary Protective Status and am I eligible?
According to the United States Department of Homeland Security, immigrants who have come to Florida from countries that are facing extreme difficulties, such as war, famine or epidemics, may be eligible for Temporary Protected Status. Countries eligible for TPS are...
Determining if Florida residents are U.S. citizens
If a child is born outside of the United States, it does not mean that the child cannot be a United States citizen. If the child's parents are both United States citizens and one of the parents has lived in the United States or its territories prior to the child's...