If you own a house and are facing foreclosure, a number of concerns may be going through your head at this very moment. For example, you may be worried about losing your family's home or unsure of what your different options may be. At ,...
Month: February 2017
Dealing with divorce as a permanent resident
Although divorce can be a contentious and stressful topic for anyone in America, it may be especially troubling if you are a permanent resident. If you are a green card holder who is already in the middle of a divorce or anticipate splitting up with your spouse in the...
Florida landlords accused of discriminating against children
This blog has outlined some of the different hurdles that landlords may encounter when attempting to rent a home, apartment or condo. For example, landlords in Miami may have a wide variety of problems with tenants, from the non-payment of rent to eviction. However,...
Dealing with a tenant who has a potentially dangerous dog
If you are a landlord, you may find yourself involved in a dispute with a tenant for any number of reasons. However, it is crucial for you to make sure that you cover all bases and address any issues that could create potential problems for you, your tenants or...
Are medical exams required for adjustment of status?
Whether you wish to become a permanent resident in order to spend time with your loved ones or move forward in a successful career, you may want to adjust your status for various reasons. Furthermore, you may have a number of questions regarding green cards and other...
Miami-Dade sees increase in condominium inventory
For condominium associations, all sorts of issues may arise from time to time. For example, a condo association may become entangled in a legal dispute, have difficulty enforcing documents, become involved in a standoff with a developer or have a hard time collecting...
The importance of handling a real estate dispute correctly
From allegations involving the breach of a contract to title disputes or disagreements between landlords and tenants, real estate disputes take many forms. At the Miami law firm of , we understand how stressful these disputes can be for...
Florida tenant accused of starting fire in building
Landlords and tenants may have disputes over a myriad of matters, from the cost of rent to outdoor maintenance and the terms of a rental agreement. Unfortunately, when disputes between a landlord and tenant in Miami-Dade are not handled properly, the consequences can...
False accusations of marriage fraud
From infidelity to disagreements over how to raise children, couples file for divorce over a number of reasons. For some, suspected marriage fraud may be the reason the couple splits up. If you immigrated to the U.S. through marriage, you may have a wide variety of...
Do I need to pay estate taxes if I have a green card?
From missing family members who live in another country to completing paperwork, you may have been through a number of challenges if you obtained a green card in the U.S. However, it is important to be aware of any obligations you may have, such as estate taxes....