Florida is a hub of immigration activity. Millions of residents earn income through immigrant-owned businesses throughout the state. A new video series is ready to launch that features topics, such as U.S. permanent residency and other issues pertinent to building new...
Month: September 2017
Are impending U.S. immigration law changes invasions of privacy?
Many people in other countries are currently applying for legal entrance into Florida and other areas in the United States. Some have business plans while others are excitedly preparing for their marriages to U.S. citizens. Whether an application is not yet processed...
Foreclosure might not have to be the ultimate outcome
The high cost of living in Florida sometimes poses a challenge to the average family trying to make ends meet. Even with two spouses earning full-time incomes, there may be little to no extra funds once living expenses and bills are met. Especially where parents are...
Is giving adjustment of status advice a crime in Florida?
What if two Florida neighbors are having a conversation over their backyard fence and one mentions that he and his family have been living in the United States illegally for more than 10 years. What if the man further discusses the situation with his neighbor by...
U.S. immigration law allows officers to conceal their identities
Many Florida immigrants are currently slated to face criminal charges in courthouses throughout the state. A recent incident in another state has many immigrants and immigrant advocates on edge regarding current U.S. immigration law and the leeway police officers...
U.S. immigration law may affect ability to seek disaster relief
The aftermath of Hurricane Irma is just beginning to unfold throughout Florida and other nearby regions. The disaster hit just weeks after another recent hurricane in the south eastern part of the nation. U.S. immigration law has apparently negatively affected...
Court will soon weigh in on real estate disputes in Florida
A heated debate has arisen in Florida regarding a mansion once owned by a prominent attorney. He died in 2008 after placing his estate in a trust. The beneficiary of the trust happens to be the attorney's widow. Her daughter is the one who has prompted real estate...
Changes in the law may impact employment immigration in Florida
Current projections regarding proposed changes to U.S. immigration laws have many immigrants concerned. Some of the changes may greatly affect employment immigration as well as the personal lives of many foreign born people. Farmers in Florida will likely understand...
Federal grant may help homeowners avoid foreclosure
Many people in Florida know what it's like to face serious financial problems. Some are able to get back on their feet in a short amount of time simply by spending less, saving more and being diligent to pay bills on time. Other situations are not so easy to rectify;...
Real estate disputes over church grounds growing heated
Churchgoers in another state are battling against a group of people with whom they used to worship. Some Florida readers may relate to the discordant real estate disputes that so far have remained unresolved even after several court sessions. At stake is a church...