Ensuring uniform, healthy landscaping in your condo community

On Behalf of | Sep 15, 2016 | Condominiums And Cooperatives |

One of the benefits you may enjoy while living in a Miami, Florida, condominium is the pleasant outdoor environment. This is a typical outcome of well-written rules outlined in your community’s bylaws, covenants and regulations. If you are a member of the board of directors, working on these documents requires careful consideration to best suit the needs of all the residents. We at Cuevas and Garcia, P.A., Attorneys at Law, have worked with many homeowners’ associations that are interested in hiring outside help to take care of landscaping and common areas.

The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension points out that the professional landscape contractor your condo community hires should be familiar with state statutes regarding environmental concerns. For example, disposal of trimmings, grass cuttings, leaves and other waste should be addressed to ensure that they are not contributing to the state’s landfill problem. Issues such as pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals often used to treat flowers, grass and other plants may create ecological hazards that are detrimental to your area.

Improper care of plants may undermine their health and even lead to their death. A contractor who is qualified should know the best practices for pruning, irrigation and pest control to prevent your valuable vegetation from being destroyed. Although the IFAS Extension recommends hiring a person who owns the appropriate tools to do the job, that agency warns against the use of any equipment that might endanger plants, such as a trimmer or edger that may damage tree roots.

Hiring a professional rather than placing the burden of landscaping harmony on the residents may reduce the potential for disputes in your community. For more information about this topic, please visit our web page.


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