Changes in the law may impact employment immigration in Florida

On Behalf of | Sep 9, 2017 | Employment Immigration |

Current projections regarding proposed changes to U.S. immigration laws have many immigrants concerned. Some of the changes may greatly affect employment immigration as well as the personal lives of many foreign born people. Farmers in Florida will likely understand one man’s dismay as he worries whether his business will survive.

The man owns more than 700 cows, most of which are milked by immigrant workers. The farmer said the state in which he lives has a very low unemployment rate. In most situations, that would be welcome news. In this particular case, he says it creates a problem when he needs to hire workers because many people do not want to do the type of work he typically has available.

Milking cows, he says, is not a high-paying or glorious job. Most of his employees are immigrants, and he fears losing them as new immigration laws are put into effect. The third generation farmer, age 58, says he is worried his farm will never survive long enough to be handed down to the next generation, especially if it loses all of its immigrant workers.

Employment immigration is a system that ultimately fuels the American economy as many people come to the United States through this program to work and live in Florida and elsewhere in the nation. If a new Senate bill, the Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment (RAISE) Act, passes into law, immigration numbers may be cut in half. Senators sponsoring the legislation say the current employment immigration program depresses U.S. wages. Any worker in Florida worried about a current work status or other immigration issue may reach out for support by requesting a meeting with an experienced immigration attorney.

Source:, “Stretched for workers, Minnesota businesses lament immigration pushback“, Jim Spencer, Jennifer Brooks, Sept. 5, 2017


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