Neighbor’s noise levels lead to real estate disputes

On Behalf of | Oct 5, 2017 | Real Estate Disputes |

Can Florida homeowners tell their neighbors to be quiet? Such issues often lead to real estate disputes, some of which wind up in litigation before they are resolved. Famous comedienne, Kathy Griffin, is currently involved in a dispute in another state with her neighbor, who also happens to be CEO of a major home development company in the area. Many people, including other public figures, have weighed in on the topic on social media networks.

It seems that CEO Jeffrey Mezger likes to party and was enjoying time with guests at his home on a recent Saturday. His neighbor, Griffin, reportedly thought the party was too loud and complained. Her boyfriend caught an altercation that occurred between the two neighbors on an audio recording.

In the audio, Mezger can be apparently be heard slinging expletives and insults at Griffin. Griffin’s boyfriend released the recording to news media for publication. This led to a string of social media posts, including one from Suze Orman, a famous self-proclaimed financial adviser guru. It also resulted in Mezger’s employer cutting his annual bonus 25 percent, with a warning attached that nothing like this better ever happen again. This particular situation likely made the news because of the famous people involved.

However, many Florida residents face similar real estate disputes when one neighbor complains about another neighbor’s actions or accuses him or her of infringing privacy laws or breaching property contracts, etc. It’s important to know where to turn for help when problems arise as experienced assistance is often key to swift resolution of a particular situation. An experienced real estate law attorney would be a great asset in such circumstances.

Source:, “LA-based real estate developer cuts CEO’s bonus for dispute with neighbor“, Yang Yi, Sept. 22, 2017


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