Business owner concerned about employment and immigration

On Behalf of | Feb 24, 2018 | Employment Immigration |

In Florida and throughout the nation, many business owners have been glad to learn the unemployment rates in many sectors appear to be decreasing. This comes as welcomed news to those have struggled to stay afloat in a fluctuating economy. One particular businessman in another state, however, says he continues to worry about employment and immigration, more specifically, how policies regarding the latter may impact the former.

The businessman owns a company he claims is the carpet capital of the world. He said at one time his office received more job applications than he could handle. Nowadays, the opposite appears to be true; he is hard-pressed to fill open job positions.

The man stated that the Georgia region where his company is based is suffering from a lack of availability of skilled laborers. He personally believes that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Act provided hope for immigrants and business owners alike, but he now worries that new policies may negatively impact the immigration sector of the nation’s workforce. In the 1990s, carpet mills such as the one owned by the Georgia businessman were often scenes of Immigration Customs and Enforcement raids. 

Some ICE officials say plans are being made to renew focus on such sites in order to track down undocumented workers as well as penalize employers who hire them. Any Florida business owner currently facing employment and immigration problems may wish to seek consultation with an experienced immigration law attorney. Such counsel often helps concerned business owners obtain swift and positive solutions to their immigration-related quandaries.

Source:, “Why Employers In Georgia Are Watching The Immigration Debate Closely“, Joel Rose, Feb. 19, 2018


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