A 33-year-old man in Florida came to the United States some 14 years ago on a crewman’s visa. For some reason, he reportedly did not obtain an adjustment of status once that visa expired. Immigration officials say this is why they recently arrested him and placed him in a detention facility, awaiting possible deportation.
The situation unfolded at a Greyhound bus station. Surprisingly, immigration officials do not need warrants to search bus stations or buses. In fact, these types of unexpected searches are occurring more and more frequently, often upsetting bus passengers in the process.
The man in this situation is a business owner and also used to be a volunteer firefighter. He has lived and worked in the United States for more than a decade and has a clean criminal record. This has caused many to suspect that he was targeted by immigration officials based solely on his ethnicity.
Why the man did not obtain an adjustment of status when his visa expired is not clear. Such situations are not uncommon and often later found to have been due to clerical errors or other resolvable issues. There are sometimes options available to halt the deportation process, especially in situations where asylum has been sought or a person qualifies for a temporary status protection, such as a U visa. An experienced Florida immigration and naturalization law attorney can come to the immediate assistance of any immigrant removed from any location — whether on a greyhound bus, in a bus station or elsewhere — regarding an expired visa or other immigration problem.
Source: local10.com, “Second undocumented immigrant detained at Fort Lauderdale Greyhound station“, Laybron Livingston, Feb. 2, 2018