Florida is home to thousands of immigrants who arrive here from other countries of origin with various types of legal statuses. Some flee war-torn nations and poverty, while others are business entrepreneurs seeking opportunities for advancement in their endeavors. Most people consider the United States to be a nation of immigrants; in fact, until now, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services department has always included that phrase in its mission statement.
The department that processes requests for citizenship recently announced that it is changing the wording in its statement of mission. The phrase describing the United States as an immigrant nation is being deleted. The word, “customers” is also being omitted, as prior to now, the mission statement also including phrasing that said the department promises to provide accurate information to its customers.
A director from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services said the former wording of the mission statement gave a false impression. He said it made the mission of the department sound as though it was a business of an assembly-line product. The department believes the new wording provides much more clarity as to the department’s purpose.
Some worry that the word changes, along with the department’s statements that while it continues to treat immigrants with respect and dignity, it’s primary duty is to serve U.S. citizens, are potentially derisive and biased. It’s logical to assume that any Florida immigrant in need of guidance to request citizenship should not worry that mere word changes would impede his or her ability to seek assistance. One quick way to access support is to speak with an experienced immigration attorney.
Source: theintercept.com, “U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Will Remove “Nation of Immigrants” From Mission Statement“, Ryan Devereaux, Feb. 22, 2018