The average Florida resident may not fully understand the differences between certain legal terms pertaining to those who come to this state or others to live as immigrants. U.S. immigration law is often complex and confusing to those with no specific legal background. Many people think certain terms are interchangeable when, in fact, they are not.
For instance, it’s not uncommon for people to refer to refugees as asylees or vice versa. However, these are two distinct categories of immigration that are both alike and unique at the same time. The main difference between asylum and refuge lies in the application process.
A refugee seeks entrance to the United States and has his or her application for immigration processed from abroad. On the other hand, asylum is a specific type of protected legal status that immigrants request when they arrive at a United States border without paperwork, saying they are in urgent need of protection from poverty, violence or persecution. U.S. Attorney General Jeffrey Sessions recently made some decisions regarding the asylum process that many immigrant advocates say are nothing more than attempts to restrict immigration and make asylum more difficult. Attorney General Sessions says the executive branch has the best interests of U.S. citizens and those who emigrate from other countries in mind.
Such topics are, of course, debatable; however, any Florida resident who is an immigrant or is concerned about a family member regarding asylum or refuge may turn to experienced immigration attorneys for support. Acting alongside such representation is often a key to overcoming obstacles associated with the immigration process. It’s always a good idea to seek clarification of U.S. immigration law from someone who knows it well rather than trying to rectify a problem situation alone.