A man is dead, and so are numerous others. What all the decedents had in common when they were alive was that they had emigrated to the United States from other countries of origin. In most of these situations, including, perhaps, some in Florida, the decedents’ loved ones, as well as immigrant advocates speaking on their behalves, have spoken against U.S. immigration law, saying it does little to nothing to protect immigrant detainees from harm.
The man mentioned first at the beginning of this post was in his early fifties and had been a seemingly strong, healthy individual before coming to the United States. He was a farmer, a husband and father of six children. After a poor harvest season, his family became destitute, and he told his wife he needed to come to the U.S. to find work that could help him better provide for his family.
Problems reportedly began shortly after he and another man from his same town were apprehended somewhere between Tijuana and California. The other man became his cellmate and friend and says he tried his best to obtain medical attention for his friend when he fell ill. Sadly, he says his pleas were either ignored or responded to with disdain, and when officials finally took the sick man to the hospital, he was near death. Not long after, he succumbed to his illness.
Like many other immigrants who have died in Florida and elsewhere in detention centers, this man’s family and advocates acting in his memory say the poor conditions in such facilities and lack of proper care through the U.S. immigration law system has caused many immigrants to needlessly suffer and die. If a man or woman believes his or her personal rights are being violated in detention, he or she can reach out for legal support. An experienced immigration law attorney can be a great asset to help rectify such problems.