Real estate disputes: Neighbor sets up controversial lawn display

On Behalf of | Mar 22, 2019 | Real Estate Disputes |

Many Florida properties have fences. They come in various shapes and sizes. In some neighborhoods, there are regulations regarding how tall a fence can be. When real estate disputes erupt between neighbors, it is often because of property line problems, such as extending tree limbs or fence issues.

A person in another state filed a complaint about a neighbor’s fence. As a result of the complaint, city officials ordered the fence owner to lower the fence or incur a fine. The fence owner complied with the order and lowered his fence to 36 inches, which meant that neighbors then had a clear view of his lawn. He came up with a plan to let everyone know just how he felt about the situation.

The man said he initially built the fence high because he was trying to contain his dogs. He also said he thinks people in his neighborhood need to mind their own business. He does not know exactly which neighbor filed the complaint, but he set up a display of naked mannequins having a party in his yard, leaving one empty seat with a note that said it was reserved for the complainant.

When asked about the real estate disputes and the lavish lawn display, one neighbor said he thought it was quite funny. Situations like this often become contentious, especially if one neighbor seek revenge against another. Property owners in Florida in need of legal guidance regarding fence or boundary disagreements can consult with experienced real estate law attorneys for support.


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