US immigration law: Things to know regarding temporary visas

On Behalf of | Nov 14, 2019 | U.s. Immigration Law |

Not every man or woman who travels to Florida from other countries of origin intend to stay here permanently. Many of them apply for temporary visas because they wish to visit, work or study in the United States for a time, then return to their homelands. There are many types of visas. If something goes wrong in the application process, after a visa expires or in other circumstances, problems with U.S. immigration law may follow.

The type of document that one needs when traveling to the U.S. on a temporary basis is called a non-immigrant visa. People apply for this status for many reasons, including business-related issues, educational endeavors or even tourism. It is important to seek clarification of non-immigrant visa classifications to ensure that the proper application is filled out.

There is typically a waiting period between the time that an application is submitted and the time that the applicant may actually enter the United States. This waiting period may be weeks, months or even years. Sometimes, a sponsor is needed to apply for a temporary visa, such as an employer or a relative who is a U.S. citizen.

Every non-immigrant visa has an expiration date. If a visa holder in Florida or any other state remains in the United States without taking proper steps to renew his or her status, legal problems may arise. In fact, such circumstances may be grounds for immediate deportation, which is why anyone facing a legal status problem is wise to reach out for guidance from a U.S. immigration law attorney.


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