Judge’s US immigration law ruling will affect many lives

On Behalf of | Feb 11, 2020 | U.s. Immigration Law |

Many Florida immigrants know what it is like to be called an interview with government officials. It can be stressful, to say the least, especially if the person in question may be at risk for deportation. However, a U.S. District Court judge sitting in another state recently handed down a ruling that may affect many immigrants who are currently involved in U.S. immigration law proceedings.

The judge’s ruling states that Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in that particular state may not use immigration marriage interviews to make arrests for deportation. In fact, the ruling means that those who are navigating proceedings to obtain permanent residency status based on marriage to a U.S. citizen are hereby protected from detainment for the purpose of removal so long as their legal proceedings remain active. Those in support of the judge’s ruling say it will help prevent family separations.

The case had been brought before the judge when a lawsuit was filed asserting that ICE agents in Maryland, the state in question, had lured immigrants to marriage interviews for the purpose of arresting them for deportation. The judge’s ruling pertains only to Maryland but will no doubt have an impact on the lives of many immigrants and their families. There has been a lot of controversy surrounding issues concerning immigration detention and family separations, not only in Maryland but throughout the country as well.

If someone in Florida is concerned about possible detention, a notice to appear at a marriage interview or any other aspect of U.S. immigration law, he or she may request a meeting with an attorney well-versed in such issues. There are often options available to help minimize the potential negative consequences of a particular situation. However, unless someone has an experienced background in immigration law, he or she may not be aware that such options exist, which is one of many reasons it is a good idea to consult with an attorney.


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