Real estate dispute over several backyards

On Behalf of | Apr 9, 2021 | Real Estate Disputes |

The topic of boundary lines often comes up in disputes over land ownership. Real estate law is complex and resolving legal problems can be difficult, especially if boundary infringements are an issue. An ongoing dispute in Florida involves a development company that claims to own part of an inlet and, therefore, part of several people’s backyards.

Appraiser has asked the court for clarification

A property appraiser has told the court that the owners of the homes whose backyards are impacted were never informed about the issue before purchasing their properties. He says the areas that the developer claims to own include a portion of property at a U.S. Coast Guard station, as well as the yards of several million-dollar homes. There are, in fact, at least 16 property owners that would be affected by a ruling.

Homeowner would lose a backyard swimming pool

The appraiser says the court has ordered his office to remove the names of the homeowners and replace it with the name of the plaintiff who has claimed to own the boundary areas in question. At one home in particular, this means the plaintiff would be the owner of the person’s backyard swimming pool. He says that he filed a request for clarification in court because he has never seen anything like this before, especially given the fact that the homeowners were never told that they were going to lose a portion of their property.

Florida property owners need not act alone in court

This particular case appears to be far from over. Florida  facing similar legal problems regarding boundary lines or land ownership may want to seek support from an experienced real estate attorney before heading to court. Acting alongside professional representation can help alleviate stress and ensure that a homeowner’s financial interests and rights are protected during proceedings.


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