If neighbors disagree about where one person’s property ends and another begins, it can spark legal problems. Some farmers in Florida who also happen to be neighbors are currently in a dispute regarding such issues. In this case, most of the farmers say there is an easement in place that allows them to travel through a strip of land to get to their homes.
The problem is that one farmer says there is no easement, and he has created roadblocks to prevent the others from having access to their own farms. One of the farmers said that his cows are beginning to starve because the hay loads that come through the property twice per day are unable to get through. The farmer creating the obstruction has reportedly placed tractor parts and other objects in the roadway so that neither vehicles nor pedestrians can cross over.
The farmer has been cited by local code officials
The farmer in question has been ordered to remove the obstacles from the path. He has been cited for violating local codes. He has also been warned that he may incur thousands of dollars in fines per day if he does not obey the order.
A husband and wife in their 70s were crawling through barbed wire
The elderly farmers whose cows need hay told reporters that they had to crawl through barbed wire to walk to their house. Cases like this often wind up in court, especially if government officials have issued citations but the problems continue to occur. Any property owner in Florida facing boundary line issues may wish to consult with a real estate law attorney for legal guidance and support.