It’s been said that one of the most important aspects to living in a good neighborhood is the neighbors you share the area with. Getting along with your neighbors can make the difference between harmony and an unpleasant real estate dispute. Unfortunately for some Miami residents, it seems that good neighbors are few and far between. The following points illustrate some common neighbor disputes you might encounter, as well as the difference between a public nuisance and a private nuisance.
Broward County’s website states that noise complaints account for the majority of neighbor disputes in the area, although the points outlined on the page can apply anywhere in Florida. Noise complaints often fall into the private nuisance category. A private nuisance usually affects one person or household, or a few neighbors in the immediate vicinity. Private nuisances may include the following:
- Household pets or animals disrupting the peace or creating a mess on your property
- Children destroying property or being too loud
- Loud parties or arguments late into the night
- An intrusion on property boundaries, such as your neighbor’s tree branches extending over your fence and dropping fruit into your yard
- Illegal garbage dumping on a vacant property
A public nuisance, on the other hand, impacts an entire neighborhood or community. One example of a public nuisance may be a landlord who violates housing codes (although this can also qualify as a private nuisance). The damage or annoyance to others in a public nuisance incident may be unequal among individuals.
Public and private nuisances can be stressful and impact your quality of life. Therefore, it is no surprise that a legal residential property dispute may result if you aren’t able to reach an agreement with your neighbor or others causing the nuisance. This information is only meant as a general overview on neighbor disputes, and should not be taken as legal advice.