Florida immigrants sometimes carry dual citizenship

On Behalf of | Jul 14, 2018 | Citizenship |

When someone emigrates from another country of origin to live in the United States, he or she may have certain goals in mind. For instance, some people arrive in the U.S. in the hope of starting their own businesses, while others come here to study in a college or university. There are also many immigrants who begin their lives in Florida or another state by marrying a U.S. citizen. Regardless of the particular details of an individual journey, the ultimate goal for tens of thousands of immigrants is to attain citizenship.  

As with most U.S. immigration processes, there are factors of eligibility and other prerequisites that must be satisfied before a person can apply to become a U.S. citizen. Some people do not wish to denounce their citizenship from their countries of origin. Anyone reading this who falls under that particular category will be glad to know that it may indeed be possible to obtain dual citizenship because it is permitted in the United States.   

Just because the U.S. government allows people to retain a prior citizenship when filing an application for the same in this country, it doesn’t mean the country of origin will have the same rules. That’s why it’s critical that any man or woman wishing to be a citizen of two nations first research the laws of both nations regarding the matter. If someone becomes a U.S. citizen and is still a citizen of another country as well, he or she must always use a U.S. passport when exiting or entering the United States.  

Complications sometimes arise when a person applies for U.S. citizenship. This can delay or perhaps even permanently impede the process. To avoid problems and seek support for help in overcoming any obstacles that arise, Florida immigrants hoping to become U.S. citizens may wish to rely on experienced legal representation. 


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