No need to navigate path to citizenship alone

On Behalf of | Sep 8, 2018 | Citizenship |

Perhaps you are one of many Florida immigrants whose lives in recent years have included various challenges in adapting to a new language, new customs and new laws. Your ultimate goal may be citizenship, and you have likely been working hard to study U.S. history and other significant topics to prepare for the test you will take. Any number of issues can arise to cause delays in the process set in place to help you become a citizen.

For instance, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services officials may claim that you filed a particular application incorrectly. Officials might also request evidence regarding a missing document. Such situations can be highly stressful and, if not resolved, can impede your ability to accomplish your citizenship goals.

If you are married to a U.S. citizen, then you need only have resided in Florida or another state for three years, as opposed to those seeking citizenship outside of marriage to U.S. citizens, who must live here for at least five years before applying. A judgment of your moral character and good standing in your community will also be made to determine if you are eligible to become a U.S. citizen. You must also reside in the United States continuously from the date of your application to the final date of the process.

Cuevas, Garcie & Torres, P.A., are Florida attorneys who are well-versed in the citizenship process as well as all other aspects of U.S. immigration law. If you want alleviate stress and streamline your efforts to become a U.S. citizen, you can do so by allowing our legal team to act on your behalf. Acting alongside experienced legal representation is the most effective means for avoiding delays and for swiftly overcoming any obstacles that arise.


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