Real estate disputes among other recent problems for Dykstra

On Behalf of | Mar 12, 2019 | Real Estate Disputes |

Former center fielder for the Mets, Lenny Dykstra, is knee-deep in legal trouble regarding a property sale. The current situation is apparently only one of many legal problems he has faced in recent years. Right now, he is accused of wrongdoing regarding real estate disputes. While the plaintiffs in a lawsuit have not named him as a defendant, he is at the center of the controversy that is being battled out in court. There may be Florida residents currently trying to resolve similar property issues.

The buyer of a non-profit wedding venue and swim club says Lenny Dykstra pressured him to sign the property over to lenders. He also said the former major league baseball player received $130,000 in a loan origination fee when the deal went through. Dykstra denies any wrongdoing, saying he merely introduced the parties and had nothing more to do with the sale.

In the lawsuit, the buyer accuses the broker and Allstate Lending Group, Inc., of fraudulent behavior, including a contract breach and foreclosure threat. Dykstra says he did not profit from the transaction and has no idea why the buyer is dragging him into the case. He’s been accused of intimidation to get the buyer, a former baseball fan of his, to make a deal that would earn the lenders a seven-figure profit.

The buyer, who also happens to be a real estate broker, says Dykstra threatened him in saying that if he didn’t go through with the deal, he’d lose his real estate license. An attorney representing the buyer said the foreclosure threat is what prompted him to file a lawsuit. The lenders say they threatened foreclosure because the buyer was collecting rent but not making payments on mortgage, insurance or taxes. Florida real estate disputes like this one can be quite complex and difficult to resolve without experienced legal representation. 


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