Basics of naturalization process

On Behalf of | Jun 29, 2021 | US Immigration Law |

Millions of people in Florida and throughout the country have immigrated to the United States from other countries of origin. It is sometimes a grueling process that is wrought with emotional, physical, financial and legal challenges. In many cases, immigrants arrive in this state with an ultimate goal: to become naturalized U.S. citizens through the adjustment of status process.  

All eligibility requirements must be fulfilled 

A person seeking an adjustment of status to obtain citizenship will have to meet numerous eligibility requirements before filing an application. The first condition is that the person in question must be age 18 or older. Applying for naturalization is also not something a person can do soon after arriving in the United States. In fact, he or she must be living in this country for at least five consecutive years before requesting citizenship. He or she must also have a green card.  

Documents, photographs, fees and more 

Anyone who is eligible to become a U.S. citizen may activate the process, which includes filling out multiple forms, submitting photographs for identification purposes and also paying fees for processing. There is also a significant amount of studying to be done for anyone who wishes to become a U.S. citizen because part of the process includes taking several tests to prove aptitude in various subjects, such as speaking, writing and reading English, as well as demonstrating an understanding of U.S. history and the functions of various levels of government. An in-person interview will be conducted at some point, as well.  

An oath of allegiance is the final step 

If a Florida resident passes successfully through all phases of applying for an adjustment of status through naturalization, he or she will be invited to take an oath of allegiance. This is the final step to obtaining full-fledged citizenship. At any juncture throughout the process, legal complications may arise. In such cases, it is helpful to consult with an experienced immigration law attorney for support.  


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