Florida condo residents claim association mismanagement

On Behalf of | Nov 14, 2023 | Condominiums And Cooperatives |

A group of Florida residents who live in the same building have been hit with a repair bill totaling more than $30 million. One woman who spoke with reporters said that her assigned portion of the bill is $145,000. The woman, who works as a nurse and lives with her husband and son, says she cannot afford to pay the debt, which she incurred after the condominium she lives in underwent a 40-year inspection. 

The condo association notified residents that the inspection of the building, which was built in 1982, showed that many repairs are needed. Such repairs include fixing a jacuzzi, swimming pool and tennis court, as well as structural needs, such as fixing separated layers of stucco and crumbling concrete. The woman and numerous other homeowners in the condo community have filed a lawsuit alleging that the condo association has exaggerated the current condition of the building and that those responsible for past upkeep have mismanaged funds and poorly maintained the building. 

Defendants named in the case have called condominium allegations false 

Among those named as defendants in the lawsuit are the condo association and its property management firm. These parties have come out fighting, saying that the allegations against them are false. The case is being mediated. However, in the meantime, the judge ruled that it would be against the public interest to delay concrete reparations, considering the devastation that occurred in the Surfside condominium collapse 

Florida has also enacted new laws that require repeat inspections on older condominiums that are three or more stories high. With so many homeowners unable to pay assessment costs, more legal complications may arise. It may be difficult to find buyers for units that have assessment obligations attached. Condo owners facing legal issues would be wise to seek consultation to explore their options. 


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