It’s been nearly one year since the news came out here in Miami and throughout the rest if the U.S. that the Senate had sent legislation to the House that was full of sweeping immigration reforms. Among the issues addressed in this bill were strengthening...
Family Immigration
Religious leaders meet with President over family immigration
While the issue of immigration reform is left to politicians to debate, the impact is felt most by the families in Miami who deal with the uncertainty of their residency on a daily basis. While many immigrants coming to the United States are in search of better...
Mass border crossing planned for over 125 immigrant families
Many of the immigrant families living in Miami and throughout the rest of the United States may have family members who are undocumented. Circumstances may eventually compel some of these undocumented family members to return to their countries of origin; others may...
Waiting for reform, immigrant families face uncertain futures
As federal lawmakers continue to work towards a compromise on immigration reform, immigrants in Miami and throughout the rest of the country continue to wonder what the future holds for them and their families. While the federal government makes a certain number of...
Woman facing deportation reunited with family after 18 months
The stress placed on Miami families facing immigration issues can be extreme as they try to cope with idea that at any moment, those family members who are undocumented immigrants could face deportation. Such concerns often deter many from actively seeking proper...
New immigration reform bill would eliminate visas for siblings
Going all the way back to the European discovery of the North American continent, a popular immigration pattern has been for one member of a family to set out for America, seek his or her fortune, and lay down some permanent roots. Then, once the time is right, the...
Same-sex couple gets recommendation for marriage-based green card
One in Miami may wonder in what circumstances the issues of same-sex marriage and immigration would combine, but that's been one of the surprising consequences of the Supreme's Court's decision to rule against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) earlier this year....
Fiance visa petition can cause divorce issues
Countless couples living in Miami, Florida, and beyond are together today because they were able to petition for one partner to come to America legally. Family based petitions allow individuals to apply for fiancé or marriage visas, with the expectation that the...
Some fear family immigration may be overlooked by reform
When it comes to federal immigration reform efforts, there continues to be more questions than answers at this point. Hopes and concerns raised over the passage of the U.S. Senate’s reform bill may be squashed and/or validated once the House of Representatives decides...
Marriage equality means more family immigration
As the dream of legalizing same-sex marriage on the state and federal level becomes a reality for countless couples across the country, so does the opportunity to obtain citizenship. That’s because family immigration policies now recognize the thousands of...